Experienced Hypnotist
For more than 20 years now, Linda Donalds has been enjoying working with people using hypnosis techniques to help them dissolve barriers that have stood in the way of them reaching their goals.
Clients have come to her for help with a wide variety of issues/goals: developing healthier eating habits (weight loss/compulsive eating/dietary restrictions), to stop smoking or overcome other bad habits, to learn stress management & relaxation skills, to improve self-esteem and confidence, overcoming fears & phobias, relief from insomnia, pain management, motivation/overcoming procrastination, organization/letting go of clutter, and much more.
In January 1998, Linda became a Member of the National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH), after completing their “Certification in Hypnotism” course. The NGH’s hypnotherapy certification core-curriculum consists of 100 hours of classroom study. Each year since then, she has taken more than 1000+ hours of additional continuing education to maintain her certification and training at a high level, completing several additional advanced training programs in the field of hypnotherapy (see below for a complete list of all certifications).
In August 2019, Linda was inducted as an Order of Braid Council Member. This prestigious NGH designation and membership is by invitation only, in recognition of a lifetime of outstanding achievement, dedication, and service in the field of hypnotism.
The National Guild of Hypnotists was founded in 1951, and is the oldest & largest hypnotism organization in the world. Its certification is the most widely recognized credential for the professional practice of the hypnotic arts.
Overview of Continuing Education 1998 through 2019.
To maintain certification and training at a high level, Linda has completed over 1000+ hours of additional training by attending numerous workshops at the National Guild of Hypnotists’ annual convention, held every August in Marlboro Massachusetts, as well as training courses and conferences hosted throughout the year by other complementary organizations.
Below is a list of those courses for which Certification was awarded upon successful completion of the required studies and qualifications:
1992 ~ Graduated from Rutgers University ~ with a Bachelor’s degree in the field of Anthropology, with minors in Archaeology and Native American Studies. Honors: Phi Beta Kappa.
1998 ~ Basic & Advanced Hypnosis Certification ~ with Arthur Fecteau of Modern Hypnosis (W. Brookfield, MA), Certified Instructor for the National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH).
1999 ~ Neuro-Subliminal Communications Certification ~ with certified instructor Arthur Leidecker of the Leidecker Institute (Elgin, IL).
1999 ~ Reiki I PRactitioner ~ with Usui Reiki Master Nancy Edwards of Bennington, VT.
2006 ~ Basic Practitioner Certification in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) ~ by certified instructor Wil Horton of the National Federation of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NFNLP) (Venice, FL).
2007 ~ 5-PATH® Advanced Transformational Hypnosis Certification ~ with certified instructor Cal Banyan of Banyan Hypnosis Center (Tustin, CA).
2007 ~ 7th Path Self Hypnosis® Instructor Certification ~ with certified instructor Cal Banyan of Banyan Hypnosis Center (Tustin, CA).
2009 ~ HypnoBirthing® Practitioner Certification ~ with certified instructor and founder Marie Mongan of the HypnoBirthing Institute (Epsom, NH).
2009 ~ Reiki I Practitioner (reviewed) ~ with Usui Reiki Master Diane Gatchell of Georgetown, MA.
2010 ~ Reiki II Practitioner ~ with Usui Reiki Master Diane Gatchell of Georgetown, MA.
2010 ~ Pain Management Practitioner Certification ~ with certified instructor M. Ron Eslinger of Healthy Visions Hypnosis Wellness Center (Oak Ridge, TN).
2010 ~ NGH Complimentary Medical Hypnotism Certification ~ with certified instructor Rev. C. Scot Giles (Wheaton, IL).
2011 ~ Bariatric Surgery Support Consulting Hypnotist Certification ~ with certified instructors Rosemarie Schulman & Elizabeth Marian Kilkenny of Bariatric Surgery for the Mind (New York).
2011 ~ Diabetes Motivational Coach Certification ~ with certified instructor C. Devin Hastings of Mind-Body Hypnosis (Minnetonka, MN) and the founder of the Diabetes Research Association of America.
2011 ~ Stress Management Consultant Certification ~ with certified instructor C. Devin Hastings of Mind-Body Hypnosis (Minnetonka, MN).
2011 ~ NGH Board Certified Hypnotist ~ NGH Board Certification Examining Committee (Merrimack, NH).
2012 ~ NGH Certified Instructor Training ~ with certified master instructor Dr. Richard Harte Ph.D. of The Harte Center for Hypnosis (Florida).
2012 ~ NGH HypnoCoaching® Certification ~ with certified instructor Lisa Halpin, DCH of HypnoCoaching® (San Ramon, CA).
2013 ~ HypnoFertility® Therapist Certification ~ with certified instructor Lynsi Eastburn of HypnoFertility® (Denver, CO).
2014 ~ Law of Attraction Practitioner Certification ~ with instructors Dr. Joe Vitale & Dr. Steve G. Jones of Global Sciences Foundation (Las Vegas, NV).
2014 ~ Irritable Bowel Syndrome Specialist ~ with instructor Melissa J. Roth, PhD of Alabama Hypnotherapy Center (now located in Boulder, Colorado).
2014 ~ Advanced Past Life Regression Certification ~ with certified instructor David Quigley of Alchemy Institute of Hypnosis (Santa Rosa, CA).
2015 ~ TLS Weight Loss Solution Coach Training ~ with certified trainer Susan Pasqual (Massachusetts).
2015 ~ Sports Hypnosis Certification ~ with certified instructor Laura Boynton King of Summit Hypnosis & Wellness (West Palm Beach, FL).
2015 ~ DreamGuide® Coaching Certification ~ with certified instructor Lisa Halpin, DCH of HypnoCoaching® (San Ramon, CA).
2016 ~ Emotional Intelligence Development Specialist Certification ~ with certified instructor Beryl Comar of Change Associates (Dubai, United Arab Emirates).
2017 ~ Educational Performance Practitioner Certification ~ with certified instructor Sheila Granger (Hull, England UK).
2017 ~ Calm Kids Coaching Certification ~ with certified instructors Clarissa Woodcock & Sheila Granger (Hull, England UK).
2017 ~ Ericksonian Hypnosis ~ with certified instructor Shaun Brookhouse of Manchester Psychotherapy (Manchester, England UK).
2018 ~ Children & Teens Hypnosis Practitioner Certification ~ with certified instructors Clarissa Woodcock & Sheila Granger (Hull, England UK).
2019 ~ Order of Braid Council Member ~ This prestigious NGH designation and membership is by invitation only, in recognition of a lifetime of outstanding achievement, dedication, and service in the field of hypnotism.
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